Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Husband's Boots

My husband had his boots in the middle of the hall/walkway to the kitchen the other day, and the lighting seemed good so I was inspired to take a picture of them. It made me remember, once again, that even though his stuff is all over the place and I trip over his boots and/or duffle bag every night on my way to bed, how thankful I am to be able to trip over it. If it's there for me to trip over, it means he is home. It means he's not away from the kids and I fighting for our country. So...even though I have cursed his stuff laying on the floor MANY times, I am so glad that it's there to interfere with me, because I know that I am on my way to lay in bed with my husband.
On a side note...I can't decide if I like the white space in the left corner where the title is. It seems like it's missing something, but I can't seem to figure out what or if I should put anything there. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Only True Friends Will Go Up Your Dress!

I have been wanting to scrap this picture for the longest time. I actually had other stuff to go with it, but I thought that it would work well for a Cosmo Cricket challenge I wanted to enter at Coordinates Collections. They have got a great prize for it...It would be very nice to win it!

The whole title is "More than friends, more like sisters" and the journaling reads "My maid of honor Holli and my bridesmaid Camie helping me get dressed. 4/8/06"


I've been needing to do this one as well, and I finally got some papers that I could use with it. It's Kayla's school picture from this year. It's a bit plain, but I like it :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mmm! Cupcakes!

I did this for the challenge that Mary has on her blog for Scrappy Gourmet. I hope you like it!

Monday, January 21, 2008

I REALLY like this one!

I am really happy with this layout I did tonight! That actually says a lot though, because with most of them I am left wondering if it looks "right". I still need to do the journaling, but I need to get a dark brown pen. The pictures were taken in Illinois at my in-laws' house the first Christmas my husband(then fiance) and I spent together. It was also the first time I met Kayla, my step-daughter.

The paper is by Creative Imaginations, and it was also used to make the tag...yes that's right, I made the tag myself! It's my first one and it doesn't look totally stupid, so I'm happy...though a Cricut would have made it a lot easier to make! The letters are vinyl Thickers, and the little tags are by Creative Imaginations as well.

I hope you like it!!

Layout for Sketches! {by Tamara}

Here is a quick layout I did based on a sketch from the Sketches! {by Tamara} blog that I check out on occasion!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby Boy Clothes for Sale!

The sad time has come to get rid of some of Preston's old clothes. I tried listing them on Craigslist, but it didn't work, so I am sending some my blog link to check them out. If anyone is interested and wants better pictures, please email me at

This first picture is 6-9 months, name brand stuff. $40 for the lot or $6 an outfit, $3 each individual piece.

The 2nd is 3-6 months, mainly from JCPenny and Sears. $25 for the lot or $5 an outfit.

The last picture is 0/3-3/6 month sleepers. $20 for the lot or $2 each individual piece.


I've added links to my favorite blogs. I've been using Mary's blog as my portal to the scrapblog world, and thought I might as well try to use my own blog for that! I'm sure there will be more added!


I've gotten some creative hairs up my butt these past two days! It feels like forever since I've really done anything with scrapping. With the holidays, me being sick, the baby being sick, job hunting...I just haven't done much! Last night I sat down to finally alter the matting in a frame that I got to put Kayla's 2007 school picture in. It was SUPPOSED to be a Christmas present for my parents. Not so much haha! It's done now though! The colors are kind of off because of the lighting. I have no idea who makes the papers I used, but the green is Tim Holtz crackle paint. I'm happy with it :)

Then, tonight, I decided to play with some of the new stuff I got from AC Moore (awesome deal $64 worth of stuff for $40!!) and ended up making a card. It took me two freaking hours! So, I guess the creative hairs haven't grown in fully yet! I'm not too sure what I think of it, and I'm planning on adding something along the lines of "can make you fly" or something underneath the stamping. I think the stamp makes the heart look like it has wings!

Now...I just need to keep this up!