My husband had his boots in the middle of the hall/walkway to the kitchen the other day, and the lighting seemed good so I was inspired to take a picture of them. It made me remember, once again, that even though his stuff is all over the place and I trip over his boots and/or duffle bag every night on my way to bed, how thankful I am to be able to trip over it. If it's there for me to trip over, it means he is home. It means he's not away from the kids and I fighting for our country. So...even though I have cursed his stuff laying on the floor MANY times, I am so glad that it's there to interfere with me, because I know that I am on my way to lay in bed with my husband.
On a side note...I can't decide if I like the white space in the left corner where the title is. It seems like it's missing something, but I can't seem to figure out what or if I should put anything there. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!